
Publié le par Nancy Grenier


Today, you will have to do the groceries! Why not? It's never too late to get involved, isn't it? :-). Your conditions are the following:

- a family of four : 2 adults and 2 children
- a one-week grocery
- a budget of maximum 200$

Here are the two sites you can use to complete your task:

  --> Click on "This Week's Flyer"

http://www.publix.com/  --> Click on "Weekly Ads"

You are expected to present your work on a couple of pages using Star Office. Don't forget to write your name at the very top of the page on the right-hand side, as well as your group number. The title of the work should also be specified, it is "Budgeting". 

Good luck!

Nancy Grenier 

Publié dans English Section

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